What Does Anti Aging Mean?

These days, anti-aging is most commonly used as a buzzword for new skincare creams, moisturizers, and other products. Unfortunately, many people now don’t know what anti-aging really means or how it relates to their skincare routines. Some people mistakenly believe that anti-aging skincare products can completely erase wrinkles or turn back the clock.

If you’re among the folks confused, don’t worry – predatory advertising can be tough to see through for everyone. But today, let’s dispel some of the mystery and break down what anti-aging means and how it impacts your skincare product choices. By the end, you’ll know what to expect from an anti-aging product and how to use it properly to maximize your results.

Anti-Aging Defined

Commonly used as a skincare product description, anti-aging means a product can help reduce the appearance of signs of aging.

Note that anti-aging doesn’t actually mean that a skincare product can reverse aging entirely. In addition, anti-aging doesn’t mean it can stop the aging process.

Imagine that you start using an anti-aging moisturizer that includes ingredients such as retinol, which is technically an offshoot compound of vitamin A.

The anti-aging moisturizer says that it can reduce the incidence of aging signs, such as wrinkles, aging spots, and so on. After a month, you notice your aging spots are less severe, and some of your wrinkles look less deep compared to before.

This is a perfect example of how anti-aging skincare products are supposed to work when leveraged properly.

However, some people try to use anti-aging products and expect that they will completely reverse the signs of aging or eliminate their wrinkles wholesale. This will never happen.

For example, if you’re just entering middle age and are starting to notice a few crow’s feet around the corners of your eyes, don’t expect an anti-aging eye cream to remove them entirely. That said, the right anti-aging eye cream, made with organic ingredients, could alleviate the severity of those wrinkles.

When combined with an overall healthy skincare routine, anti-aging products may positively impact your physical appearance.

So, Do Anti-Aging Products Really Turn Back the Clock?

No. You should use anti-aging products responsibly and as intended, and even if you do this, they won’t reverse aging completely, nor will they stop further wrinkles or aging spots from cropping up.

However, you can make your aging process much more graceful by:

  • Using anti-aging products regularly
  • Maintaining a healthy, well-rounded skincare routine starting in your younger years. If you’re already middle-aged or older, you can still start a skincare routine today. There’s no wrong time to start taking care of your skin to see great results!
  • Eating a healthy diet and not exposing your skin to contaminants in the environment, such as chemicals.

If you do all this, your skin will heal more regularly and will be less likely to develop impurities or imperfections. On top of that, any wrinkles or aging spots you do develop will seem a little less severe compared to how they would be otherwise.

When Should I Use Anti-Aging Skin Care Products

The best time to use anti-aging skincare products is right now! However, you also need to use anti-aging products at the right time and in the right sequence relative to other products, like moisturizers and cleansers.

First, use a cleanser and toner. The cleanser and toner products clean out the pores of your skin, get rid of surface-level dirt and debris, and prepare your skin cells to receive nutrients in other products.

Second, you use an exfoliating product, like a chemical peel or physical exfoliator, to remove dead skin cells and more dirt. To avoid over-exfoliation, you should only use exfoliating products once or twice per week, depending on your skin's sensitivity.

Then use a serum. Serums are like special tonics for your skin, giving your skin cells extra vitamins and nutrients they’ll use to regenerate healthily. Most anti-aging products are serums by default, although certain anti-aging ingredients may be found in other products like cleansers or moisturizers.

You should wrap everything up with a moisturizer. Moisturizers provide your skin with extra hydration, which is important since cleansing and toning your skin can strip away water and leave your skin feeling dry and irritated. In addition, moisturizers seal in moisture throughout the day and help prevent your skin from drying out over several hours.

By using anti-aging products in the middle of your routine, you deliver healthy ingredients directly to the deepest layers of your skin. This, in turn, should help their effects feel more potent and ensure that your skin cells get as many healthy nutrients as possible.

If you use an anti-aging product after moisturization, for example, many of those ingredients won’t reach your skin cells. Similarly, if you use an anti-aging product at the beginning of your routine, your cleanser may strip away those ingredients before they can get to work.

What Anti-Aging Products Should You Use?

No matter what specific anti-aging products you purchase, make sure they come packed with healthy, organic ingredients. These ingredients are best for your skin and are least likely to induce any negative side effects.

Some of the best anti-aging ingredients to target include:

  • Retinol, a vitamin A-related compound. Retinol could be included in an anti-aging cream as retinol or retinoic acid. In either case, this ingredient accelerates skin cell turnover and maximizes skin cell health.
  • Vitamin C, which may be represented as ascorbic acid. This important antioxidant neutralizes free radical molecules that can cause irritation to your skin cells or lead to degradation. You can often find it in both serums and moisturizers.
  • Coenzyme Q10, which is important for skin cell regeneration and turnover.
  • Hydroxy acids, including alpha and beta hydroxy acid. These acids provide your skin cells with needed nutrients and improve their turnover rate.
  • Peptides, which are essentially the building blocks for many amino acids. Amino acids are used to formulate new skin cell tissues and compounds, such as collagen.
  • Collagen itself, as well as elastin. Both collagen and elastin impact the elasticity or firmness of your skin. As we get older, our skin cells produce less of both compounds, so many anti-aging products include these to replace naturally lost sources.

Above all else, make sure your chosen anti-aging product is healthy for your skin. Before spreading it all over your skin, you should do the “dab” test with a new anti-aging product. Squirt a little on the tip of your finger, then dab it on your cheek and watch for a reaction.

If you don’t have a negative reaction, feel free to incorporate your newly chosen product into your routine.


Overall, anti-aging products can be helpful, but you have to know what to expect to be satisfied with their results. Remember, the key to aging gracefully is also ensuring your body runs like a well-oiled machine – which means giving your body exactly what it needs to perform at peak capacity 24/7.

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Retinoids: active molecules influencing skin structure formation in cosmetic and dermatological treatments - PMC | NCBI

Coenzyme Q10 - StatPearls | NCBI Bookshelf

The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health - PMC | NCBI