Eggstacular! Why One Egg in the Morning Helps You Lose Weight

Boiled, baked, or fried… Eggs are a fantastic protein-packed food that’s good for you! Let's take a look why!

The Sordid History of the Egg and Why It Really Is Good For You

Eggs were one of the first foods people ate. Lots of historical records talk about eggs, and it's the quintessential farmer's breakfast. The couple of eggs, meat, and surprisingly lots of vegetables make up this breakfast.

Then came the low-fat craze.

People were suddenly obsessed with cutting all the fat out of their diet and eggs are full of fats. They wanted to avoid the high cholesterol.

But, these fats are exceptionally healthy for your body… That didn't matter. They suddenly focused only on the egg whites and removed the yolk with all healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Fortunately, real science has come back and said eggs are healthy for you. Study after study shows eggs help people lose weight and get rid of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Why an Egg is So Perfect For Your Body


A single egg has all of the protein, nutrients, fats, and raw materials to make a little chick if you think about it. It's almost perfect nutrition for a person.

Here are some of the basic stats:

    Fat: 5g

    Carbohydrates: 0.6g

    Fiber: 0g

    Sugars: 0.5g

    Protein: 6g

    Choline: 147mg

    Vitamin A: 6% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 15% of the RDA

    Vitamin B12 (cobalamin): 9% of the RDA

    Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): 7% of the RDA

    Phosphorus: 86 mg or 9% of the RDA

    Selenium: 15.4 mcg or 22% of the RDA


So, why should this matter to you?

If you're looking to lose weight, you want the most nutrition in your food. That means you eat less and feel better.

Additionally, eggs do something even more. When it comes to weight loss, your body specifically will utilize more glucose and triglycerides than what you consume from your diet. And your body gets this glucose and triglycerides from carbohydrates. Since eggs have nearly zero carbohydrates, it's perfect.

And it's this carbohydrate deficit that helps people with diabetes. Some studies showed that consuming one to two eggs at breakfast can help stabilize blood sugars throughout the morning and afternoon without changing cholesterol levels. If you remove the wild fluctuations in blood sugar, it enables you to choose healthier foods and stabilize your energy.

Your hormones: you would think that eggs wouldn't affect your hormone levels. They don't directly, but it's the indirect impact that makes the difference. When you eat eggs, you're getting in many healthy fats used to make the hormones. Your body can produce better quality hormones, improve your dopamine and serotonin levels, balance your estrogen and testosterone, and help reduce cortisol.

We also know many people also worry about cholesterol. Various studies show that eggs don't raise your cholesterol levels. In fact, they can help reduce your LDL cholesterol and increase your HDL. That means your overall numbers look better, and your heart is more at ease.

How To Get At Least One Egg Per Day In Your Diet


Okay, so now you know eggs can help you lose weight, balance your blood sugars, and help your hormones be more regular. So, how do you get eggs into your diet without becoming overwhelmed with the same thing for breakfast every day?

There are well over a million recipes on how to make eggs. You can fry, boil, bake, and put them in to different meals. You can eat them on their own or mixed with other things.

Eggs are far from boring.

If you're looking for a quick breakfast, creating one of the breakfast bakes can make enough breakfast for a week that all you have to do is heat up in a microwave.


Looking for something a little fresher? You can fry up an egg in the morning and top it with several themes. Salsa, cheese, vegetables, pickles, and even different breads can change the flavor and texture of what you're doing. Think of all the different kinds of omelets out there and get an idea of how to fry up an egg.

Or boil it! Hard-boiled eggs can be as is or crumbled up and added to different things like a salad, sandwich, soup, or just as a side for leftovers.

And you don't have to stick with just chicken eggs. Most grocery stores anymore are carrying quail and duck eggs regularly. Farmer’s markets have different types of eggs available, and you can order specialty eggs online.


Eggs really are a superfood, packed with nutrition, versatility, and taste, and they do beautiful things for your body. Taking a little time to explore this amazing food can help your health.