Catching Zzzs: 9 Reasons You May Not Be Getting Enough Sleep

We all need our beauty sleep! In fact, health sources suggest that average adults need to get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. Unfortunately, many people don’t get enough sleep to reach these benchmarks because of family responsibilities or work obligations.

But there may be other reasons why you might not be getting enough sleep. 

Today, let’s break down nine reasons why you aren’t catching the zzz’s you need to feel your best! 

Bad Work Shifts

Naturally, if you work odd hours or if your work shifts are stacked on top of one another (i.e., you work a night shift, then have to work the first shift in the morning because of bad scheduling), odds are you won’t be getting the sleep you need to perform at peak potential.

It’s a good idea to speak to your supervisor or manager about adjusting your work shifts if possible. That way, you can get enough sleep and have time to catch up on errands in between your job. By the same token, if you love over time, but that means spending so much time in the office that you don’t get enough sleep, it’s time to dial it back.

Remember, you need to take care of yourself before earning big money in your career, no matter the industry.

Noisy Sleeping Environment

However, there might also be issues with your sleeping environment, making it difficult to catch enough sleep or sleep in uninterrupted cycles. One of the most common interruptions is noise.

If you sleep with allowed TV on in the background, roommates who don’t know how to keep it down while resting, or any other noisy disruptions, you could find it difficult to fall and stay asleep.

To that end, consider investing in some earplugs or earmuffs or using a white noise generator to drown out disruptive noise in favor of soothing hums or buzzes. You need to cultivate a peaceful sleeping environment to calm your mind enough to get adequate sleep.

Too Hot to Sleep

Similarly, your bedroom or apartment might be a little too hot to facilitate restful sleep. Compared to daytime temperatures, our bodies lose heat when they fall asleep. You’ll lose this heat and fall into a deep, restful sleep state more easily if you turn the temperature down when you go to bed.

Alternatively, you can open a window and let some cool nighttime air into your bedroom and save money on your electric bill simultaneously. If you have a smart thermostat, consider setting a temperature control so that it automatically drops the temperature 5° or so at night before you go to bed.

Screen Time Too Close to Bed

We all use our phones and computer devices far more than we should, and it can impact sleep quality. Your phone and computer both emit blue light, which can trick your brain into thinking that the sun is rising, limiting the melatonin it produces.

On top of that, screen time is inherently distracting and could spin your brain back up to an active state when you are trying to rest.

With this in mind, try setting a habit so that you don’t look at any electronic screens about one hour before bed. By the time you actually hit the sack, your mind will be properly rested, and it should have made enough melatonin for you to fall into an easy slumber.

Medical Issues

Of course, existing medical issues could affect your sleep quality. For example, sleep apnea or snoring could disrupt your ability to stay asleep or fall into the deeper part of a sleep cycle. If you suspect a medical issue is at the heart of your sleep problems, speak to your doctor about potential remedies or medications that can help you get the rest you need to tackle those needs.

Dietary Issues

On the other hand, it might be dietary issues causing your lack of sleep. Your diet can impact:

  • Your energy levels throughout the day and night
  • How full or comfortable you feel when you go to bed

In general, eating whole grains, vegetables, and other healthy and organic foods will lead to more restful sleep and an easier time staying asleep. 

Furthermore, certain organic supplements may be able to assist by helping you set up a restful sleep routine if your sleep habits are currently out of order. For example, Hope Health’s Melatonin Supplement is an organic and healthy option that can provide your mind with extra melatonin and botanicals.

However, remember that even the best supplement isn’t a replacement for strong sleep routines. Our Melatonin gummies and others like it are best used as assistants while you rework your daily schedule for consistent sleep quality.

Caffeine or Alcohol

You should specifically note your caffeine and alcohol intake throughout the day. Caffeine is a natural stimulant, so if you drink a cup of coffee or soda too close to bedtime, you might stay awake since the caffeine is priming your brain’s neurons into heightened states of activity.

Alcohol is a suppressant, but it can still throw off your sleep cycle and make it hard to slumber by adjusting how tired you are or changing how your brain produces certain hormones like melatonin.

To ensure you get adequate sleep on a work night, avoid caffeine or alcohol in excess.  

Lack of Exercise

We all need a certain amount of exercise each day to feel and work at our bests. But many Americans don’t get enough exercise, or even any, over the course of a typical day.

If you don't get enough exercise, your limbs could feel twitchy or irritated, you might have too much energy when you hit the pillow, and you may feel a little stir crazy. To avoid this possibility, be sure to get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day, even if it's just a walk around the block.

Uncomfortable Bed

Lastly, don’t discount the quality of your bed and its materials when trying to puzzle out why you can’t get enough good sleep. If you aren’t comfortable lying in bed, falling asleep will be all but impossible!

Look into changing the comforters or sheets of your bed if they are scratchy or irritating. If your mattress is old, consider investing in a new one or even purchasing a memory foam mattress, which may be able to assist with sleeplessness by molding comfortably around your body when you lie down.


Ultimately, the causes of sleeplessness are many and varied, and it might take a little time before you determine what specific factors are at the root of your problems. But we’re confident that you can get all the sleep you need to feel great with the right habit changes.

Want to learn more about wellness habits or helpful supplements? Check out Hope Health’s guides and nutritional breakdowns today!



How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? | Sleep Foundation

The Best Temperature for Sleep: Advice & Tips | Sleep Foundation

How Screen Time May Cause Insomnia in Teens | Sleep Foundation

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Body And Sleep? | Sleep Foundation