What To Look For In Memory Vitamins

Memory loss is a common ailment that people experience as they get older. Perhaps you’re just having trouble remembering things. Whatever the reason, it is imperative to take care of your mind. 

Before diving deeper, it is important to note that there really is no surefire way to boost your memory. There is a lot of conflicting evidence behind memory-boosting supplements. Therefore, there is no concrete solution to the issue. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt. 

There are a multitude of supplements out there that promise an improved memory, but do not explain how their supplement functions. 

At Shop Hope, we are committed to providing a roadmap for your health; one of our objectives is to educate the world on how we retain information as humans and how to preserve that ability. Without further ado, here is our guide on what to look for in memory vitamins. 

Vitamin E

Some evidence has suggested that vitamin E can improve the memory of older people. In a 2014 study by the journal JAMA, it was found that high amounts of vitamin E can help relieve symptoms of patients with mild to memory loss.

In this study, participants took vitamin E doses of 2,000 international units (IU) daily. According to Dr. Gad Marshall of Harvard Medical School though, taking this much vitamin E for the average person could be harmful. 

No matter how old you are though, you should be able to get sufficient vitamin E just from eating every day. Vitamin E is found in nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, and certain vegetables like spinach and broccoli.

If you feel you may be low, talk to your health provider.  Vitamin E deficiency is not common. However, it can occur more likely for people on low fat diets. 

Vitamin B12

For years, scientists have been researching the connection between low levels of vitamin B12 and memory loss. There have previously been suggestions in the medical community that vitamin B12 supplementation could help with retention. 

Yet, for those who already receive enough vitamin B12 in their diet, there is no evidence that taking more is beneficial. 

At the same time though, some people need supplementation. People on certain prescription medications or people with low stomach acid contents may not be able to absorb vitamin B12 from their diets. 

Vitamin B12 deficiency is seen most frequently in people with bowel or stomach issues, as well as strict vegetarians. Vitamin B12 can be found in fish and poultry, as well as some fortified breakfast cereals. 

Certain drugs like metformin, a diabetes medication, can lower vitamin B12 levels. Other substances like proton pump inhibitors and anti-inflammatory medications like prednisone and birth control can affect your vitamin B12 levels also. 

The risk of B12 deficiency also increases with age. This is due to the increased prevalence of low stomach acid in older adults.

Fish Oil

Another substance that has been used widely in memory supplements is fish oil. Recently, one study has shown a link between specific types of fish oil and the delay in memory loss. 

Specifically, omega 3 fatty acids, mainly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosatetraenoic acid (EPA) are supposed to be helpful. Many smaller studies have shown that healthy adults who consume omega-3 fatty acids have better memory than those who do not. However, this fact has not been supported in larger, more controlled settings. 

It is possible that omega-3s have other health benefits that are indirectly linked to the brain, such as through the heart. 

Omega-3s can also improve cholesterol levels.  With that said, it certainly isn’t going to be an end-all-be-all to your memory issues, but it could help. 

Fish oils like omega-3s are also plentiful in whole foods like fish, as well as plant-based foods like nuts, chia seeds, and some beans. 

These supplements should only be taken under the supervision of a healthcare provider. They should be taken with a meal and plenty of water. Start with a low dose and gradually build up to the maximum dose (as tolerated) that is recommended by your physician.

Fish oil is generally safe for most people, but it can cause bleeding for those on coumadin or other anticoagulants. Always talk to your healthcare provider before beginning to take fish oil. It may also be useful to have your blood work checked.  

Huperzine A

Huperzine A can also help with memory problems. Huperzine A is a chemical found in Chinese club moss or fir club moss plants. It is also made in labs. 

It increases levels of another chemical called acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter your brain produces naturally to help you learn and retain information. Huperzine A boosts acetylcholine by blocking an enzyme that tries to break it down. 

There is not enough evidence to confidently say that huperzine A supplementation helps with memory, but because of how similarly it functions to medications that do, it is worth mentioning. On the contrary, taking Huperzine A regularly can disrupt your digestive system and heart, so talk to your health provider before doing so. 


One supplement that has shown promise in improving memory is ginseng. The most commonly used type of ginseng is Panax or Asian ginseng. It can be taken alone or in combination with another brain-boosting plant, ginkgo biloba.

Like many of the previous substances mentioned though, there hasn’t been enough scientific studies to confirm its medicinal properties. 


Ultimately, simply taking pills isn’t going to give you a perfect memory. Focusing on maintaining an overall healthy body and mind will be just as effective as taking a supplement. You can also get the nutrients your body needs just by eating the right foods every day. 

Having issues with your memory can be extremely scary. Occasional lapses in retention are fairly normal, but if you’re experiencing consistent issues remembering things, you should seek professional help as soon as possible. Some issues may not be treatable just by taking a supplement. 

Also, if you’re taking any prescription medications, keep in mind that some dietary supplements can interact negatively with them. Always make sure to speak to your health provider before starting to take any new supplements. 

At Shop Hope, we offer high quality mind capsules, designed to improve mental clarity and memory. They’re packed with a variety of mind-enhancing ingredients like St. John’s wort, huperzine-A, bacopa monnieri, ginkgo biloba, L-glutamine, and lecithin. 

All of our products are backed by science and developed by a team of trained experts. All ingredients used by our brand are 100% traceable as well; whatever is printed on our label, is what the product contains. We abide by a strict quality control process and will never lie about our ingredients! 



Brain Vitamins: Can Vitamins Boost Memory? | Healthline 

Vitamins for Memory: Which Supplements Work? | The Healthy 

What's Causing Your Memory Loss? | Health Guide